Ask Bryan DeHart
SOLD!! 55 Acres of Timber and Hunting Land For Sale in Bertie County NC!
Offering 3 managed timber investment tracts in Bertie County North Carolina. Road frontage, various ages, good access, income producing and excellent hunting potential. 55, 72 and 149 acre tracts available.
Offering 3 managed timber investment tracts just north of Lewiston in Bertie County NC. The tracts total 276 acres and can be purchased as a whole or individually. The tracts are 55 acres, 72 acres and 149 acres. They are situated on either side of NC Hwy 11 and are almost equal distances between Greenville North Carolina and Suffolk Virginia. There are no structures or improvements on any of the properties.
55 has frontage on Moore Road and a gated access road that leads to the rear of the property. Approximately 34.5 acres of this tract were planted with pines in 2016. The property is well-stocked and as you can see in the aerial photos the stand is well-established. The remainder of the property is natural hardwoods along the Cashie River Swamp. Hunting is available for whitetail deer, turkeys, ducks and small game. Establishing ATV access to the rear of the property and along the edge of the swamp would be fairly easy and installing one or more Biologoc food plots will greatly enhance the deer & turkey hunting possibilities. The Cashie River Swamp is a proven travel corridor for trophy bucks.
72 has .5 miles of frontage on NC Hwy 11 and .2 miles of frontage on Connaritsa Road. It also has interior access via a dirt road that connects the two highways. Approximately 50 acres of this tract were replanted with pines in 2012. It is well stocked and well-established. The northeastern portion of 72 has frontage on Wahtom Swamp. Hunting is available for whitetail deer, which I have seen a number of in the agricultural fields around the property, turkeys, ducks and small game.
149 has approximately .5 miles of frontage on NC Hwy 11 and also frontage on Moore Road. There is good interior access off of each paved Road. 86 acres of this tract were replanted in 1998 and it has received its first thinning. A forestry professional can give you an idea of how many more years until this section of 149 is ready to harvest yielding a cash return on your investment. Additionally, approximately 45 acres were replanted in 2016. This stand is well-stocked and well-established. Interior logging roads provide excellent shooting Lanes. 149 is plenty big for multiple shooting lanes, stand locations and strategically placed Biologic food plots. The tract is bordered on the northeast and southwest by agricultural fields and on the north and northwest by fresh cutover. The diversity of habitat on and around 149 should equate into an excellent hunting opportunities.
All three of these timber tracts are great investments, easily accessed and provide a ton of recreational opportunities.
For more information on this listing and other land for sale in this county, contact Bryan DeHart at 252-473-8632 or by email at bdehart@mossyoakproperties.com, or visit landandfarmsrealty.com