2.19± Acres
New Listing
Cooke County, Texas

Land for sale in Era, TX

ID: 77713
External ID/MLS: --/20866759
Status: New Listing
Price: $75,000
Acres: 2.19
Address: 0 FM 922
City, State: Era, Texas
County: Cooke
Zip Code: 76238


2.19 triangular land for sale in Era ISD with no deed restrictions. Located at the intersection of FM 922 and FM 1198. 2.25 miles west of Era, TX and 10.5 miles south of US Hwy 82. Water well and septic system required for buildings. No improvements existing.

Directions: located at the intersection of FM 922 and FM 1198

Additional Details


Listing Terms: 1031 Exchange, Cash, Conventional
Tax ID: 16261
Taxes (annually): $810
Tax Year: 2024
Legal Description:

All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the F. J. Lindheimer Survey Abstract 573, Cooke County, Texas
being part of a tract of land conveyed by the Veterans Land Board of Texas to Orville Bentley by deed recorded
in Volume 431, page 77 of the Cooke County Deed Records and being the same tract described in a deed to
Mike and Vonda Degeare recorded in Volume 1646, page 323 of the Cooke County Official Public Records and
being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a found steel pin at the Northeast corner of said Bentley and Degeare tracts, on the North line of
said Lindheimer Survey, common to the South line of the Harriet Nail Survey Abstract 790 and on the West line
of F. M. Road 1198, conveyed by Sam Seagraves to the State of Texas by deed recorded in Volume 520,
page 272 of the Cooke County Deed Records, said beginning corner is located North 88 degrees 24 minutes
01 second West, a distance of 26.95 feet from the Northeast corner of said Lindheimer Survey, said corner also
being the Southeast corner of a tract described in a deed to Joe Knight, et ux recorded in Volume 1277, page
582 of the Cooke County Official Public Records;
THENCE South 01 degree 20 minutes 48 seconds West, with said West right of way line of F.M. Road 1198, a
distance of 265.35 feet to a set steel pin at a corner of said right of way;
THENCE South 54 degrees 48 minutes 18 seconds West, with said West right of way line, a distance of 155.83
feet to a set steel pin, on the Northeasterly right of way line of F. M. 922 as described in a deed to the State of
Texas, recorded in Volume 372, page 53 of said Deed Records;
THENCE Northwesterly, 573.12 feet along a curve to the left, having a radius of 756.19 feet, and a chord of
North 48 degrees 31 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 559.50 feet to a set mag nail on the common line
of said Lindheimer and Nail Surveys, in a road;
THENCE South 88 degrees 24 minutes 01 second East, generally along the North line of said road and with the
South line of said Knight tract, a distance of 553.01 feet to the point of beginning containing 2.19 acres of land.

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