Ask Jon Adams
Backcountry Hunting Property Road 398 Buena Vista, Colorado
86 acre Colorado back country recreational property for sale. 11,400 to 12,400 feet elevation completely surrounded by National Forest. Forest service road access in summer months and snowmobile access in the winter. Top of the world views of the surrounding mountains, valleys, and Twin Lakes. Varied terrain from high alpine meadows to dark timber with plenty of level building sites for a cabin or an RV. Historic mining trail connects the upper terrain to the valley floor below where there is an old miner's cabin and evidence of historical gold rush activity. This trail is the only access to the upper end of Boswell Gulch providing basically private access to the entire basin. This trail also provides access for elk, deer, bear, and other wildlife to traverse the mountain. This property has better access than many of the high elevation properties in the area while offering privacy and adventure as the only decent access point to the entire basin below. For the hunters; this is a draw unit with exceptional hunting and limited access to the herds that frequent the property and the basin below. Good fishing in the ponds throughout the basin and limitless exploring of mostly untouched terrain. Agent can provide accurate maps of the property. Chaffee County GIS maps are inaccurate for the properties in this specific area. PROPERTY WEBSITE>>
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