
Real Estate and Brokerage

1031 FAQs

1031 FAQs

A 1031 is a provision in the IRS tax code that allows landowners to defer paying taxes on the exchange of property. When selling a property with the intent to purchase another, the capital gains remain untouched during the exchange, which is particularly beneficial for land investors. However, despite the benefits derived from Section 1031, many

land broker

How to know if your land broker is capable

When selling your land, it’s important to have the most trusted advisors supporting you and helping you get the most out of your sale. However, this may be easier than it sounds. You could find a broker fairly easily, but without the proper research as to their qualifications and experience in selling rural property, you

buying land

Will you qualify for a 1031?

Taxes may not be the most enjoyable topic to think about, but when it comes to buying land, it’s definitely a subject you shouldn’t let fall by the wayside. Case in point: The Section 1031 exchange. What is the Section 1031 exchange? As outlined by Kevin Teston of Mossy Oak Properties of Augusta in Augusta,


Be upfront with land brokers

They say honesty is the best policy, and nowhere is that more true than when it comes to selling land. In order for your land broker to provide you with first-rate service, they need to know your property inside and out. However, the only way they can do that is if you’re upfront with them

good land brokers

Marketing tools good land brokers use

Land specialists bring plenty to the table when it comes to selling land. However, besides experience and local knowledge, one of the most important advantages is the marketing power they can put behind your rural land for sale. “Great marketing is the key to the success of any real estate practice,” said William McOwen of Mossy Oak

Mossy Oak Properties Land For Sale

Auctions vs listings: What is the difference?

When most people think of selling land, they imagine the typical process of listing the property, marketing it to buyers and hopefully attracting an interested party. “[On]The listing side of it, we spend a lot of time with the seller, spend a lot of time with the property, putting together a marketing packet, put it out there with

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