

Halloween Special | Part 1

This week on Fist Full of Dirt it’s part 1 of our Halloween special. Listeners have sent in their best spooky stories and we threw in a few of our own. Gather around the campfire with your family and listen together. Listen here: Fist Full of Dirt is also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.  To follow

How much is my Land Worth?

How Much Is My Land Worth?

Figuring out the value of your land can take time and effort. Unlike houses or developed properties, vacant land does not have clear markers, making it harder to set the right price. To maximize earnings, it is important to set a proper price. Knowing what affects land value is critical when you want to sell

How to Buy Land

How To Buy Land

A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Rural Land Step 1: Why do you want to purchase land? Many Americans dream of owning a place to escape the daily grind and connect with the great outdoors, whether it’s a coastal getaway, a mountain retreat, or a piece of land in Rural America for hunting, fishing, farming, and

bucks in food plot

12 Food Plot Myths Debunked

Gerald Almy With the flood of informational articles and video material on food plots coming out in recent years, it would seem everything about the subject has been said. Maybe that’s part of the problem, too much information, and not all of it totally accurate. Articles, TV shows, DVDs, podcasts, blogs, books…so much material has

pond fertilization

4 Tips for Managing a Pond Like a Pro

Roger Burge 1. WHAT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF MANAGING A POND THAT YOU SEE OVERLOOKED? Harvest of bass and crappie is the most important, and often overlooked aspect of pond management.  An owner can spend thousands of dollars stocking, fertilizing, liming, and feeding without any positive results if the predator population is too dense.

white oak acorns

Understanding and Planting Oak Trees

Acorns produced from the white oak tree are one of the most desired foods by many game species. It’s arguably the best food whitetails have for packing-on fat for winter. Andrew Walters | Originally published in GameKeepers: Farming for Wildlife Magazine. To subscribe, click here. As wildlife managers, we understand the significance of hard mast producing trees, particularly oak trees.

Identifying Acorns

A Complete Guide To Identifying Acorns

The oak tree is essential to wildlife, and Gamekeepers and hunters alike know the value in a producing oak tree. Acorns provide the protein, carbohydrates and fats animals need to survive the winter. Let’s look at identifying acorns, what acorns are most desirable and when acorns are available.  NOT ALL ACORNS ARE CREATED EQUAL If you have been backcountry camping,

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It's Not A Passion! It's
An Obsession.