
Land Management and Improvement

tractor plowing

Mixing It Up- Buying A Diverse Property

Chris Hawley, Mossy Oak Properties Back when I first began my career in the rural and recreational land market in the mid-1980s, most of the parcels of land I dealt with were best described as “one-dimensional,” in that there was typically only one primary use for that property. Many agricultural tracts were not properly set


Killing Kudzu

Greg J. Wall – Helena Industrial & Aquatics Kudzu is one of the most prolific plants to ever join the list of invasive plants in our country. A native of Asia, the perennial legume spreads by both seeds as well as runners. Kudzu infestations harm timber and native plants and can decrease property values. Kudzu patches are

moist soil management

Strategies For Proper Moist Soil Management

Kevin Keen | Originally published in GameKeepers: Farming for Wildlife Magazine. To subscribe, click here. Typically a slow drawdown of water anywhere from mid-March through mid-June is the best option to get the most native seed production from your moist soil units. Stretching out this drying period also continues to provide wildlife habitat well into the spring. So

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