
Land Management and Improvement

Feral Hog

The Feral Hog Predicament

Ron Jolly No doubt you are aware of the dilemma facing gamekeepers in the form of feral hogs. You know the destructive nature of these omnivorous mammals and their ability to multiply, survive and thrive. You have heard of the threat they pose as carriers of disease, destruction of habitat and native species. Over the

whitetail deer edge cover

Creating Edge Cover and Ecotones

Dana Rogers The “more the better,” or perhaps more aptly we’d like “more with higher quality” when it comes to cover, especially that all-important “edge cover.” That isn’t just for whitetails but many different species. Are you interested in increasing deer populations where you hunt? Deer populations rise and fall, and today, it seems we’re

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It's Not A Passion! It's
An Obsession.