Mossy Oak Properties of Louisiana - Vidalia
5152 Highway 84 Vidalia, LA 71373
Paul Ferrell
As a lifelong sportsman, Paul Ferrell has emerged in the outdoor industry as a leader in conservation and hunting heritage in Louisiana. Born in Natchez, MS the son of an oil field father, Paul has lived in Louisiana and Mississippi his entire life. A few years of offshore work convinced Paul there was a better life so the completion of a BS degree in outdoor recreation administration at the University of Southern Mississippi opened immediate opportunities for Paul to manage property and people for recreational pursuits. Beginning as Park Manager over Maynor Creek Water Park with the Pat Harrison Waterway District in Hattiesburg, MS Paul enjoyed 11 years in public outdoor recreation administration ending that career as Business Service Director for an opportunity as Louisiana Regional Director with the National Wild Turkey Federation. Paul's passion for the outdoors and his leadership ability with people quickly grew the NWTF Chapter system in Louisiana from 10 to over 40 local Chapters and placed him as one of the top producing regional directors with NWTF. Nearly 15 years of service with NWTF has given Paul the unique opportunity to develop friends and associates not only in Louisiana but all throughout this great country.
Recognized as one of Mississippi's "Top 40 Under 40" by the Mississippi Business Journal and Sunburst Bank in 1994 and having served as President of the Mississippi Recreation and Park Association in 1989/90, Paul has developed a strong work ethic of serving his constituents and getting the job done. Also, having worked extensively with many State and Federal agencies during his career with NWTF Paul has learned and seen firsthand the benefits of State and Federal programs available to landowners to provide wildlife habitat and alternate income potential from some of these programs.
The proud father of a veteran son of the U.S. Air Force Paul is dedicated to continued protection of our hunting heritage and wise land management to create the best wildlife habitat possible for future generations to enjoy. Paul's experience, knowledge, and network of friends and associates will be a welcome addition to our team of agents with Mossy Oak Properties of Louisiana."